Monday, October 26, 2009
Can you feel it? The world is on pause. Things are slower than last week. The energies began around Friday...when I noticed there was lack of activity as normal.
I have thought that it could just be me.....the need to rest mentally. The need to change direction and routine, and nurture myself a bit, before deciding any new direction to take.
How much of life should I just accept? And how much should I seek to change? And then, is my decision driven by a magickal mind, or just driven by fear?
I cannot always answer my questions........and I know now one else can.
All that could be done, was a small gratitude circle. I paid homage to the Goddess around mid-day and honoured the four elements. Give thanks to the Goddess, for all the strength I have gathered, for all the gifts I have recieved. I gave thanks to the Goddess for presence of mind to feel the energies, and to be aware of what needs to be done for myself to contribute to the world manifest.
Here I am...creating in my mind.
Blessed Be.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dance of the mind
Celtic Crystal Avatar - Rose Spinne
Can I play with madness a little and frolic in the sun of my mind?
Can I open the gates of Darkness, and see what treasures I find?
Can I give time to eternity, and feed it with seconds past?
Can I throw death into forever, to see how long it would last?
Can I tug the Golden Threads of thought and pull a few to me?
May I cook up a fairytale, and feed it to reality?
Can I twist the bonds of truth so far that lies seem real to me
May I open up your mind a bit and full it with my fantasy?
These things I wish to do and yet,some reason I do not dare,
To unleash that inner side of me, I do not wish to scare
the ones I love. But dark and light are two sides of the same coin.
Can I open up a club to my mind? If I do, will you join?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mind Trapping Fairy Tales.
Been thinking a lot recently about a few mythical themes and how they relate to our expectations about life. The Fairy Tales that we have been brought up on, have a serious impact on our expectations about the way life is supposed to happen in the granting of our wishes and relationships.
Lets take the example of the “Rescue me from my life” theme, which pervades through many stories that we tell our little girls. Look at the themes in Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. All female characters, all living a life of transgression, all waiting for someone else to rescue them from their restrictive lives and take them to a happy place. This is the “Rescue Me” theme. The ability to escape from your current situation lies in the hand of someone else, the “Prince Charming” someone with the capability to remove the heroine from her enslaved situation, and carry her off to somewhere where life is all dandy and roses, and where she would find happiness forever and ever.
Notice though, that for little girls, the rescuer or “Prince Charming” is someone else. In no instance does the female main character rescue herself. She never seems to be able to rise above her circumstance, ans be her own Prince Charming.
This is a direct contrast with fairy tales and legends which have male main characters. In all of these, the male main character comes from a lowly, or less than perfect background, but the ability to transcend this position in life rests solely on his shoulders, with a little help from a few friends (Robin Hood and his Merry Men) or with the help of a mentor (King Arthur and Merlin.)
The messages we send to our daughters through these stories? You are too helpless to transcend yourself, you need a man to assist you and to improve your life. Which explains the way a lot of women I know think. The expectation of marriage or serious relationship at a certain age, the pause in plans for themselves until “Prince Charming” comes around. And, there are even some instances that I see, where, if the relationship does not work out, the search for another Prince Charming begins, and life is almost placed on hold while the mind searches for another rescuer. This is even further reinforced by the behaviour of older women in the family when daughters and neices are not “settled” by a certain age, or when marriages and relationships fail. The failure of the previous generation to create a realistic picture of relationship models, has women “ponging themselves” when marriages do not work out, or they perpetuate the lies of perfection by keeping quiet and disintergating in spiritual spark internally.
Add to this the same theme which pervades throughout the Christian Mythos, and many other religions. A saviour in some form or fashion is coming to rescue you from your earthly horrors. Which is probably why there are so many women in Church.
I think somewhere along the line the stories, which were meant to give hope to those who were in less than perfect circumstances, that something or someone will come along and their circumstances would change. However, the end point has been missed. You are your own Prince Charming, you have to find a way to rise above yourself and remove yourself from the situation. You have to reach in and find your inner Saviour and yank HER out to save yourself from whatever is closing you off from reaching where you want to be.
This is why I like Magick, and esoteric themes. The Christos, the Divine Spark, the Prince Charming character if you will; resides in you. You have to sift through your own psyche and find what it is saying to you. Drag it out from its slumber; have it rise from where it is buried; and resurect yourself.
Your Prince lies within you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Coming out from my last post it got me thinking whay so many of my "ideas" remain just ideas and are never manifest. Especially when it comes to career. Thats because I know I lack the passion for it. When it comes to the Fire stage, I fizzle. Creating the idea for me is what I am passionate about, but most of them lack the kind of touchstone which would stoke the fire in me.
Even in my current job I feel the claws of boredom setting in, and not one project has given me excitiment as yet that I feel the urge to wake in the morning and get to work. I know I have to do something soon, because very soon the boredom will be like a crippling vise grip on my mind, and that cycle would begin again.
What am I passionate about? Art, magick, anything which forces me to create by hand. I wish I could learn woodworking, I wish I could learn a skill like plastic molding etc which can take a design from the paper onto a practical usable aspect. Even learning welding to learn to make my own things........
I need to sit with myself and have a stern talk. I am a creative soul, and I am happiest when I am formulating a painting, an image, a design for something I would love to have, or even writing a story, essay or blog. My mind feels like I am in touch with the Higher Creative and I feel enlivened by some power which courses through me. Can't explain the feeling further, but it is where I feel elated.
Having to do the job I do during the day, pulls me out of that zone. There is no connection to something greater when I do it, rather a feeling of floundering in a muddy pool.
This current contract must be the last of its kind that I take. I have three years to build an alternate career out of what I love. I must sit down and think this through.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Pentacle and Magick- Pt 2 – Thought Process in the Magickal Mind
I have already explained the Pentacle and the symbols of the circle, the pentagram and the meaning of each of the five points. Lets take a look at how each of these points relate to the process of a Magickal working.
In order to manifest anything at all Magickally, the spell worker must carry the intention through a particular process. Focusing on each part of the process in extremely important, and the end result of each process is also important, as any deviation from that focus will result in scattered energies. Please keep in mind that the meanings behind the symbols Spirit, Air, Fire, Water and Earth mentioned in this essay are not that only symbols that pertain to these elements and are taken in the context of the topic being discussed- which is the process of thinking the Magick.
First of all, what is the Spirit behind your spell working? Is it for improvement of yourself? Is it strictly for pleasure? Either way is okay as long as it interfears with no one else's Will, and harms no one. Remember, even though the intention is good, lets say to work a healing spell; you need to get permission from the one who you are working the spell for. Even positive spell working, without permission is seen as interfering with the Will of another, and this is not allowed in Magick. Remember always the Law of Three, and any attempts to decide what anyone else should want for themselves, will result in the same exercise in control being exhibited on you, three times over. Whatever your goal, please always attempt to construct the ritual in a way that only you are affected, with the back up phrase “ And it harm none so mote it be.” Even if you are in danger, or are trying to remove a person from your life, it is safer to do a protective spell, or an invisibility spell on yourself, than work any spell on the other person. (Invisibility spells do not render you invisible, you just would find the other person not being able to meet up with you through circumstances beyond their control)
More about the Spirit of your mind in a later blog. There are many layers to this thing.
Second, we must look at AIR. Air is the process where you have identified a problem to be solved or a goal to work on, and you sit and think of ways to achieve your aims. Air is the thinking, analyzing part of the situation. What would solve the problem? Which Path can I take? What ritual can I do? Air is where you being to work out the elements of the spell. What focus should I use? Planetary Magick? Elemental Magick? Herbs? A ritual? You must know what your mind responds to. You must know if the result you wish to accomplish is believable to you. If it is not, then you can take steps to change your belief in order to have a successful outcome. By this I can give the example of an individual applying for a position that he sees as his dream job. If there is any doubt in his mind or any insecurity, that the job is not for him, no amount of spell working will create an alternative outcome. He has already decided that it is not for him.....the fate of the spell is sealed. What ever type of Magick is used must reinforce the idea of the goal being a possibility. Air is the thinking out of what we will do to accomplish the goal.
Third we come to FIRE. Fire is the passion we put into the work, because we really want to see it come to be. How many times have we been given a task for which we have no passion, and have given it our half-baked attention, or procrastinated several times. Air can sound great, ideas can be great- but if there is no passion behind it, the chances that it would go beyond the Air stage are almost nil.
Pay attention to the work done in the Air process. At some point, while you are tossing solutions back and forth in your mind (IE, the method of spell working to be used) you may have what Oprah call an “Ah HA” moment, or the elated feeling of excitement that this is the direction you should take. And you will be quite right. This is your inner child telling you that that solution would be fun. That is your subconscious telling you that it can believe that that solution would create the outcome. That is the two-fold aspect of FIRE which you have to be aware of.
For the stage which represents WATER, our emotions are the key here. At that point in Fire, where the belief is reinforced as a greater possibility, we will usually get a flood of emotions imagining ourselves at the point of manifestation, (IE imagining ourselves in the new car, or getting the job offer) The emotions which we have at that point are key. Are they positive? Are they negative? Do they begin as positive and then become tinged with doubt? In this stage, manifestation of the thing is most probable in the instance where there is no doubt of its possibility. If there is any doubt entering your mind, then you need to address that doubt, again by finding ways to change your belief about it, and begin anew with another spell.
EARTH, is the manifestation of the thing we worked for. It is the realization that, through seemingly magickal efforts, the thing we worked a spell for has come to pass in a way that is unexpected. There is much to caution the Magick worker in the interim between Water and Earth, but again that will be dealt with in another post. Understand that Magick and Nature are one, and the way the thing becomes manifested, will be in keeping with the Laws of Nature. Its not going to pop out of the sky people, but it will appear. One example I can put my head on a block for is something I have wished for, and done such a simple spell for that it almost seemed like no spell at all.
There was an incense burner which I saw on line that I loved. I wished for it. I chanted a rhyme which asked the Goddess to add that to my cache of magickal tools. I had really forgotten about the thing when it shows up via the most unusual channel of a very Catholic family member giving one to me because she had no use for it. Someone had given it to her as a gift, and she had no clue how to use it.
Remember always, on the receipt of the thing you worked the spell for, always thank the Goddess, or God or Deity that you called on for assistance. Better still, thank the gods anyway- because you could be like me and forget that you worked the spell.....only to remember it a few days after receiving the thing.
This takes us back to where? Spirit of course! Because after the thing that you have wished for and spell worked for becomes manifest; you experience a buoyancy of Spirit and on some level, your spiritual connection to the All has been increased if only for a moment. But once the experience has been had, the chances of you believing that you can work a successful spell will increase the second time around.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Stuck in a rut
I feel stuck in a rut. I feel like all the plans I have decided I was going to do are still very much up in the air. I made all these decisions, and haven't done a damned thing about them. If I were a psychic though, I would say that somewhere around 1:43 am this morning I woke up with a sense that something in the Universe had shifted. At that time, I felt a child waking up at Yuletide morn with the expectations of presents. Like something was going to be given to make everything seem like the world was great once again.
This morning though, I woke up with a feeling of incredible lonleyness, same as I went to bed with last night. About 10 pm last night I was on the computer with the feeling to search, although I had no idea what I was searching for. The realization that there was no one I could reach out to was painful and worrying, and it kept me up till close to midnight. Tried calling a few friends, but everyone was asleep....duh!!!
I know the feeling though. It is a familiar one for me. It begins as a feeling of lacking, of wanting, and then it gravitates to my need to reach out to someone to feel connected to something wider. Then I realize there is no one to connect to that has the answers to my questions. No one can tell me which choice to make to be happy. Everything has a huge question mark with it. How do we get past this predicament. Could one just settle their minds to be happy come what ever happens?
Did that for the last decade there abouts and was not truly happy, so that doesn't work. Why do I have this fear that life is short, and if I don't make a decision now, life would just escape me?
Indecision is the worst hurdle that I ever encounter, and it has the ability to make me wonder in circles for years.......and I don't think I have time for that anymore.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Pentacle- and Magick - Part 1
The pentacle, a five pointed star within a circle, represents among other things, the five elements of Nature, surrounded by and existing in a never ending circle of creation. The circle represents the unending, ever cycling nature of the existence we live in. Nothing is ever destroyed, just becomes something else. If you did physics you may remember that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but undergoes a transformation into a different state.
The Five points from the top clockwise are Spirit, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Spirit marks the beginning. We begin as a Spiritual being, ideas begin on the spiritual plane.
Air represents thoughts, ideas, consciousness and things to do with the mind. All that is intellectual, logical, communicative, expressive and abstract. Air has active masculine and changeable characteristics.
Fire, the third point, is passion, will, and desire. All that is dynamic, energetic, vitalizing, invigorating, spontaneous, and initiating. Fire contains trans formative energies, is unpredictable and regenerating. Fire has active masculine properties.
Our fourth point from the top represents Water. Water symbolizes all that is receptive, sustaining, fluidic, the subconscious, hidden, mysterious and generative. It represents emotions, and is passive and feminine.
The last point on the pentacle is Earth. Earth is the manifested property of our existence. This energy is grounding, slow moving, stable, materializing. All activities of fertility and growth are attributed to Earth, and well as material abundance. Earth also has passive and feminine qualities.
The pentacle, a symbol of protection represents all the properties of existence ruled by spirit. In wearing the pentacle or adopting it as a personal symbol, you make the claim that all the properties which make up YOUR existence; are ruled by YOUR spirit. You acknowledge that there is a greater ALL, which we are connected to, but your Spirit is a gift, meant to executed some purpose for the good of the ALL.....which is why you are here.
AS we travel along the outer circle of the pentacle, the points also give us guidelines for Magick, and how to move something from the astral level of spirit, bringing it out to its physical existence, guiding it through its elemental stages. More about that later in another post.
By occult teachings, anything that we can imagine already exists in spirit, and can be made to exist in reality. Some occultists go as far to say that anything you need or want, is already yours by way of attracting the energy toward you by mere thought (air), the only things keeping it from manifesting is our ability to carry it through to the other elemental stages (fire -belief that it is mine etc)
Again, more will be discussed in another post.
Blessed be guys, blessed be.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sorrel Tea- PMS Relief
Sorrel, in this part of the world, bears friut at Christmas Time, making the drink a tradition for Christmas. Although what people don't realize is that it is great for PMS when drunk about three days before the start of your moon time.
Conveniently, packs of dried sorrel can be found at the local Supermarkets (particularly HiLo) and it is now possible to have the tea all year round.
Sorrel Tea
Three Tablespoons Dried Sorrel
Three cups water
Boil sorrel in water, add sugar to taste. Makes two cups. (I always have a second!)
Drink two cups of teas per day, three days before the expected time. You can continue during your Moon Time, the tea still tastes wonderfully fruity!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Obsessive Tendencies
Tree of Obsessions - by Cinzia Bacilieri
So I have a tendency to obsess on an issue. Its absolutley ridiculous actually that I feel like I want to slap myself. I would begin just to try to analyze a topic, and then it would grow in my mind to a huge big deal.
For any Magick worker, this is a worry. I must try not to obsess, as it prevents me from looking at the wider picture, and then I cannot get into my zone.
For the past two weeks I have noticed that I have had difficulty connecting with the Goddess. I worry constantly if the decisions I make are correct, because I let pre- programmed paradigms poke fun at my decisions. They are like a pack of Demons constantly punishing me for choosing a different direction.
I wonder if I would ever rid myself of these mental programmes which were input into my brain from a child. How come I could recognised their limitations, and still be worried by them, and still have to go over them, kick them around and crunch the little buggers under me feet.
Yet, they pop up again like the annoying bastards that they are........ maybe if I create a mental Trash Bin and throw them in there for 5 points, I could make a game out of getting rid of these limiting paradigms. Hmmmm my inner child would love that...LOL
So I have a tendency to obsess on an issue. Its absolutley ridiculous actually that I feel like I want to slap myself. I would begin just to try to analyze a topic, and then it would grow in my mind to a huge big deal.
For any Magick worker, this is a worry. I must try not to obsess, as it prevents me from looking at the wider picture, and then I cannot get into my zone.
For the past two weeks I have noticed that I have had difficulty connecting with the Goddess. I worry constantly if the decisions I make are correct, because I let pre- programmed paradigms poke fun at my decisions. They are like a pack of Demons constantly punishing me for choosing a different direction.
I wonder if I would ever rid myself of these mental programmes which were input into my brain from a child. How come I could recognised their limitations, and still be worried by them, and still have to go over them, kick them around and crunch the little buggers under me feet.
Yet, they pop up again like the annoying bastards that they are........ maybe if I create a mental Trash Bin and throw them in there for 5 points, I could make a game out of getting rid of these limiting paradigms. Hmmmm my inner child would love that...LOL
Friday, October 2, 2009
Magickal Mind
I am currently struggling with a two relationship models which I have to chose from. I would love to make up my mind soon, but my mind is preventing me from doing just that. Like any other girl in my generation I was brought up with the Prince Charming scenario, where the Prince rescues the Princess from her tormented issues and whisks her off into happily ever after land.
I must admit that in my last three relationships, I was waiting to be rescued. There was this energy of "waiting for the Prince" in order to live my life and be a whole person.
Unfortunately, that paradigm did not work really. Because, in today's world, I cannot seem to tolerate Princes who refuse to grow....and eventually conflict arises...and I part ways with them.
So recently, having done the same thing, met up with the Uncles and Aunties who were quick to dole out advice about what I was doing wrong, and what I should do next. I hear their relationship model....but they too admit that the traditional one does not work either. There was lamentation, that women want their own lives and their own homes and do not wish to get married anymore....and indeed I must obviously hate men because of my experiences.
So..... my model has not worked for me for the last three relationships, and even though they insist I must now follow their model- that does not ring true for me either- and not one of them can admit to being completely happy.
I think I'd better stick to my model, because I have been through it and can perfect its shortcomings.....while their model seems like a prison sentence to me.
I must admit that in my last three relationships, I was waiting to be rescued. There was this energy of "waiting for the Prince" in order to live my life and be a whole person.
Unfortunately, that paradigm did not work really. Because, in today's world, I cannot seem to tolerate Princes who refuse to grow....and eventually conflict arises...and I part ways with them.
So recently, having done the same thing, met up with the Uncles and Aunties who were quick to dole out advice about what I was doing wrong, and what I should do next. I hear their relationship model....but they too admit that the traditional one does not work either. There was lamentation, that women want their own lives and their own homes and do not wish to get married anymore....and indeed I must obviously hate men because of my experiences.
So..... my model has not worked for me for the last three relationships, and even though they insist I must now follow their model- that does not ring true for me either- and not one of them can admit to being completely happy.
I think I'd better stick to my model, because I have been through it and can perfect its shortcomings.....while their model seems like a prison sentence to me.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Why am I a witch?
Which is a good question. What was the path I took which led me to here? Why have I chosen this?
I do not see myself as Wiccan. Wicca was a launching pad which got me here. Wicca has limitations. What is it exactly that I practise? I would call it a thought process...I can say I am teaching myself to think in a way which is empowering and beneficial to myself and my goals.
Why am I forcing myself to learn this? Because I hate the words no..and "it cannot be done" and for all the times that I thought, "why the hell not?"
I knew from early that I had a problem with the word "No." and no irked me most when the experience of the thing was so tempting, and I was not allowed to experience it. Mind you, nothing I wanted to experience was drugs, no wild sex no guns....but gathering information about different lifestyles has always intrigued me. I want to see another thought stream, another lifestyle. Eventually I would see the limitations in them and begin to seek further. Put me in any system, and I would see the limitations and begin to push past them.
The mental state involved in being a Witch...a real honest to goodness one....has you in a state of "all is possible". The only thing which is impossible are the things YOUR mind tells you is impossible. And has that conclusion of impossibility been reached because you have tried and failed? Or is it just that the fears of those who have gone before have told you that it is impossible? Then, how do you change this point of view and change your belief?
Every individual is connected to the All Creative. All our thoughts come from the same source. If you think something, it is because it is time to create it and make it manifest for the greater long as it harm none. If you don't create it, then someone else who hones into that same channel will. It is meant to be created. The only thing that limits the individual, is their inability to believe that it can be done by them.
Being a Witch teaches you that all things are possible. The only thing that limits you, is you. And when you reach that mental state where spells no longer need the runes, and cards and herbs.....when you can sit quietly in your space and will a thing, or better yet you can zone out the psychic babble which surrounds you and center yourself, and will the thing.....then you know you are on the right path to creating a higher you.
I do not see myself as Wiccan. Wicca was a launching pad which got me here. Wicca has limitations. What is it exactly that I practise? I would call it a thought process...I can say I am teaching myself to think in a way which is empowering and beneficial to myself and my goals.
Why am I forcing myself to learn this? Because I hate the words no..and "it cannot be done" and for all the times that I thought, "why the hell not?"
I knew from early that I had a problem with the word "No." and no irked me most when the experience of the thing was so tempting, and I was not allowed to experience it. Mind you, nothing I wanted to experience was drugs, no wild sex no guns....but gathering information about different lifestyles has always intrigued me. I want to see another thought stream, another lifestyle. Eventually I would see the limitations in them and begin to seek further. Put me in any system, and I would see the limitations and begin to push past them.
The mental state involved in being a Witch...a real honest to goodness one....has you in a state of "all is possible". The only thing which is impossible are the things YOUR mind tells you is impossible. And has that conclusion of impossibility been reached because you have tried and failed? Or is it just that the fears of those who have gone before have told you that it is impossible? Then, how do you change this point of view and change your belief?
Every individual is connected to the All Creative. All our thoughts come from the same source. If you think something, it is because it is time to create it and make it manifest for the greater long as it harm none. If you don't create it, then someone else who hones into that same channel will. It is meant to be created. The only thing that limits the individual, is their inability to believe that it can be done by them.
Being a Witch teaches you that all things are possible. The only thing that limits you, is you. And when you reach that mental state where spells no longer need the runes, and cards and herbs.....when you can sit quietly in your space and will a thing, or better yet you can zone out the psychic babble which surrounds you and center yourself, and will the thing.....then you know you are on the right path to creating a higher you.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Raindrops on Skin
There are some people that you notice sometimes move in similar experiences to yours. One of my "Sisters in Creation" and I occasionally have similar experiences which I marvel at. To me, our lives cannot be more different, but our cycles sometimes cross at points, or don't cross.
Recently, I had an experience getting to know a new guy. He had invited me to an outdoor party or Fete as we call it here, and it began to rain. In true island style, out comes the umbrellas for this fete and the party continued. Our group did not have an umbrella and we happily partied in the rain. At one point, my guy attempted to brush the raindrops from my arm, and time just froze. While at that point my mind was not clear what I felt about him.....the touch made it all too clear. The electrical zap that I got from his touch was hypnotic, and as he casually brushed the wetness from my arm, every skin cell reacted to his touch, sending a vibrating pulse along the rest of my body.
and then Elspeth posts this the connection.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I've had too much to think
The mind that is trying to clear is sometimes the same mind that blocks the process. Its a bitch that one tool can work in opposing sides at the same time. I had to stop myself last night when I realized that I was obsessing about my problems and blocking the solutions from coming. A friend reminded me that over thinking a situation could lead to me becoming depressed....which is exactly what I was beginning to feel.
During this time though, I was able to come up with a plan. Now that I have this plan I would try to shift my mind to something a little less serious. Lets shake this thing up a bt. I have had too much to think.....over thunked?
Time to kick up my heels and have some fun....hmmmm....what can I do? No Magick, no reading, no thinking, no goal setting.........lets just let the days flow.......
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