One path leads to another...... and I am on the Alchemy Avenue. T'is a strange road, this Alchemy Avenue. Squares are placed within circles and Suns and Moons get married, and its all in search of the stone that is not a stone...The Philosopher's Stone.
But it is so intriguing, so comforting..... so connected from past to present. So honest in its crack pots and depressed followers, and in its ties to the most exciting art ever seen by man kind.
As I read more about it, I see the Matrix, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Crucible, and all the other favourite "otherworldly" themes which perpetuate the world's greates films, books and arts......
To be aware....to be that aware to the point that the energies come to you before they settle on the Earth.
You are the first Air...... and then the dissilution comes, and the Negrado is whitened...........
I am in heaven........