Friday, December 25, 2009
On a Dragon's Path
This morning I opened a gift of beautiful Dragon Goblets. I am now undecided about keeping them for ritual, or to use them every day when the mood hits me. Also along with those goblets, and the previously received Dragon Box, is a book on Dragon Magick. magickal group of ladies from around the world in my internet coven were just speaking about Dragon Magick. One of the witches had had a recent encounter with a dragon in the trees near her home.
Maybe I am being directed along a new path....hey I am always keen to explore new areas!!!! Thanks hon......for all the gifts that you have given me, and thanks for keeping the magick alive.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Magickal Ethics
To begin with, please understand that my ethics are mine, and not meant to be preached to anyone.
But this, my blog, is sometimes the place where I work out knots of my mind.
I was thinking the other day obout FREE WILL.
We have been granted Free Will, and hopefully have learnt and understood the responsibility that comes with it. To quote Spiderman "With great power comes great responsibility."
We have learnt the power to magickally ask for assistance from sentient beings which do not exist on our manifest plane, whatever level they may be. But in summoning these beings, aren't we interfering with their Free Will?
And what about creating a being using archetypical energies? Can these energies in their raw form essence be termed "Sentient Beings" and are they entitled to free will?
What about conciousness on a quantum level? Does each individual particle, as all seem to exibit conciousness at some level, have a right to free will?
My magickal work focuses on me. I do ritual to change my vibrations to attract my desires. I ask for no manipulation of any thing, and of course, my request is done with the condition "and it harm none."
It requires a constant analysis of your direction toward your goal. It also requires a constant anaylisi of everything you think, discuss and it assisting your goal? It is indeed a very difficult exersice.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wychcraft Brewery
Couldn't help myself on this one. The pun was priceless. Brewers, with a full range of Wych beers....
Unfortunately, it isn't available for sale internationally. Damn. Would have loved to have a case or two hanging around. Anyone visiting the UK?
Oh.... here is their site:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Solstice and Christmas Witches
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Silk Cotton Tree
As a child you wouldn't dare to be near a silk cotton tree on a full moon night. As a matter of fact, you wouldn't dare be near one at all. Malicious spirits of all types roamed under this you could understand why a child's imagination would see it as evil.
When did this begin to be taught to our youngsters. I ask why, because in West Africa, Puerto Rico,and other places where the Silk Cotton Tree plays a part in the spiritual Heritage of the African Diaspora, the Silk Cotton tree is seen as a link between the spiritual world ans ours. It is not placed in the "evil" file. Rather, it is seen as a place where one can commune with spirits of old, and seek their wisdom. Offering up gifts to the ancestors for wisdom, or connecting with nature for healing is what the tree represents for most.
When did Jamaica (Duppy Tree) and Trinidad start seeing it as evil, and disconnecting from its healing energies? This me chooses to ponder....hmmmmmmmmm.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Yule gift
Isn't it beautiful? I swear you couldn't get anything like this on the island. A dear friend bought this for me last night as an early Yule gift. Yule will be observed very quietly by myself. As I am the only one, I don't want to take away the magic of Christmas yet from my children.
But back to the Dragon Box, it is beautifully detailed with stylized "Tree of life" and Dragon motifs on the sides. I will bless it at the full moon. The Dragon Box has come full of promise for the year to come.
I am keeping it to hold only Dragon's Blood Incense when I get some.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Too Much Light?
A magickal collegue of mine once brought up the idea that too much light healing could be harmful to our triple aspect state of mind-body-spirit.
I am currently reading a book called The Field written by Lynne McTaggart, which has an interesting chapter on Beings of Light which seems to support her views. One chapter highlights the work of a scientist called Fritz-Albert Popp who, along with his students, was able to create a machine which measure light rays emmitting from living things. What he found seems to suggest that the light in any being must maintain a certain balance, or the body “drowns” in light.
I quote some of the text from The Field:
Popp showed in his experiments that these weak light emissions (biophoton emmissions) were sufficient to orshestrate the body. The emmissions had to be of low intensity because these comminications (between cells) were occuring on a quantum level, and higher intensities will be felt only in the world of the large.
The more he tested, the more he discovered that all living things-from the most basic of plants or animals, to human beings in all their sophisticated complexity-emitted a permanent current of photons, from only a few, to hundreds. The number of photons being emitted seemed to be linked to an organism's position on the evolutionary scale.
Emissions seemed to follow other natural rhythms; though the body were following the world's biological rhythms as well as its own.
In experiments done on unhealthy patients, Popp found that cancer patients had lost these natural rhythms, as if they had lost connection the the world at large. Their lines of communication were scrambled. In fact, their light was going out.
Popp further discovered that just the opposite- too much light- seemed harmful to humans.Testes on patients with Multiple sclerosis showed that these individuals were taking in too much light, and this was inhibiting the cells ability to do their jobs. MS patients were drowning in light.
Perfect coherence in the cells, at the optimum level, was a balance between chaos and order.
Herein lies a case for my friend's spiritual sessions on Healing with Darkness.
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Direction Calling
Tapestry painting by Amy E Fraser. Check out more of her work at
I heard the Dragonfly last night, his wings beating furiously on the walls and floor as he skittered around the room. This morning, he is still in the kitchen calling the message of the Goddess as he is apt to do, with me, quite frequently.
Dragonflies, for me, herald a new journey. I see the closing of whatever path I am on, and the beginnings of a new direction. Where I am now has been explored fully, and no longer attracts my inner child. I am ready to close that door completely and begin afresh through another door.
For the past few months I have been in what seems to be purgatory. A mental nowhere zone, with constant analysis of my past, its lessons, its hurts, and seriously looking at where I want my life to head. I have learned a lot of things about myself, and about what I want in life. I thank those who are staying behind the door that I am closing, they will remain behind that door, but they have taught me many things about myself.
My hand is poised at another door, I am about to push it open. I know that many who have been on the last journey with me will be in the next. I have learned the magick now, the touchstones, the rituals to get me what I need, the power of to know, to will, to dare and to be silent. I have learned to ask with all my heart and let the Goddess take care of it, and it will be granted.
I am grateful to those who hurt me, for allowing me the opportunity of learning lessons about my needs, and to put my desires in front as well. I have no regrets at all. I cannot. I will not be where I am today, without the grief of the past.
So .....forward on. My bundle on my stick, I step off the precipice. I am the Fool, all at zero again. Lets see where this door takes me.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sorcerers Mind
Reading a text called Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley. I love how he lays out the state your mind can acheive, and its link with magick. He presents it in an almost scientific form, which removes any aspect of emotion or fear. As a matter of fact, if the book were republished under a different heading, its almost not a sorcery book at all....
Any way...some interesting points so far gathered from the book:
- To ask what Magick can do, is to ask what the unconcious can do -
- The brain transforms a barrage of non descript electrical impulses into our diverse experiences of space, form, substance, colour, sound. At the level of the nerve, there is no difference between the impulses-
My thought: Can the brain be reprogrammed to read certain impulses in a different way? Lets say for example, your magickal goal was to obtain a new car. Keeping positive that the car was arriving any minute is key to the magick being successful. What is, in your mind, the sound of a bird transalates into "the car will be here soon" thereby keeping your mind in a positive state about the outcome. Can your brain be taught only positive response from even perceptually negative events?
- Einstien's experiments show that matter can be converted to energy, and vice versa. At the sub atomic level energy and matter are essentially the same.-
My thought: Then what is the link, the key, the point when the vibration in energy decides when a thing is a specific thing? Like the energy vibrated by a dog, or cat. And at that point, how come we are not able mentally to shift the vibration to transform the dog into a cat, or even ourselves into a cat. If matter is neither created or destroyed but can be shifted from one state to another...then we should be some point to find that particle's vibration which determines the outcome materially, and have the option to manipulate it.
My Thought two : Magick holds that like energy attracts like energy. Your perspective generates a particular kind of energy, which attracts confirming energies from your surroundings. How can you decide what you want your outcome to be, and hold that vibration until it is achieved?
- Von Nueman postulated that the concept of objective reality had evaporated. Only subjective reality remains, or something beyond description-
My thought: Truth is then relative- relative to the past experience of the believer, and their objective in the need to believe it.
Our experience of truth is resting solely on these two ideas, and the belief of the individual minds surrounding us, who have had the same ideas programmed into them. We see this on a most basic level when looking at the cultural norms of a people. What is considered taboo in one culture, is considered acceptable in another.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Can you feel it? The world is on pause. Things are slower than last week. The energies began around Friday...when I noticed there was lack of activity as normal.
I have thought that it could just be me.....the need to rest mentally. The need to change direction and routine, and nurture myself a bit, before deciding any new direction to take.
How much of life should I just accept? And how much should I seek to change? And then, is my decision driven by a magickal mind, or just driven by fear?
I cannot always answer my questions........and I know now one else can.
All that could be done, was a small gratitude circle. I paid homage to the Goddess around mid-day and honoured the four elements. Give thanks to the Goddess, for all the strength I have gathered, for all the gifts I have recieved. I gave thanks to the Goddess for presence of mind to feel the energies, and to be aware of what needs to be done for myself to contribute to the world manifest.
Here I am...creating in my mind.
Blessed Be.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Dance of the mind
Celtic Crystal Avatar - Rose Spinne
Can I play with madness a little and frolic in the sun of my mind?
Can I open the gates of Darkness, and see what treasures I find?
Can I give time to eternity, and feed it with seconds past?
Can I throw death into forever, to see how long it would last?
Can I tug the Golden Threads of thought and pull a few to me?
May I cook up a fairytale, and feed it to reality?
Can I twist the bonds of truth so far that lies seem real to me
May I open up your mind a bit and full it with my fantasy?
These things I wish to do and yet,some reason I do not dare,
To unleash that inner side of me, I do not wish to scare
the ones I love. But dark and light are two sides of the same coin.
Can I open up a club to my mind? If I do, will you join?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Mind Trapping Fairy Tales.
Been thinking a lot recently about a few mythical themes and how they relate to our expectations about life. The Fairy Tales that we have been brought up on, have a serious impact on our expectations about the way life is supposed to happen in the granting of our wishes and relationships.
Lets take the example of the “Rescue me from my life” theme, which pervades through many stories that we tell our little girls. Look at the themes in Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. All female characters, all living a life of transgression, all waiting for someone else to rescue them from their restrictive lives and take them to a happy place. This is the “Rescue Me” theme. The ability to escape from your current situation lies in the hand of someone else, the “Prince Charming” someone with the capability to remove the heroine from her enslaved situation, and carry her off to somewhere where life is all dandy and roses, and where she would find happiness forever and ever.
Notice though, that for little girls, the rescuer or “Prince Charming” is someone else. In no instance does the female main character rescue herself. She never seems to be able to rise above her circumstance, ans be her own Prince Charming.
This is a direct contrast with fairy tales and legends which have male main characters. In all of these, the male main character comes from a lowly, or less than perfect background, but the ability to transcend this position in life rests solely on his shoulders, with a little help from a few friends (Robin Hood and his Merry Men) or with the help of a mentor (King Arthur and Merlin.)
The messages we send to our daughters through these stories? You are too helpless to transcend yourself, you need a man to assist you and to improve your life. Which explains the way a lot of women I know think. The expectation of marriage or serious relationship at a certain age, the pause in plans for themselves until “Prince Charming” comes around. And, there are even some instances that I see, where, if the relationship does not work out, the search for another Prince Charming begins, and life is almost placed on hold while the mind searches for another rescuer. This is even further reinforced by the behaviour of older women in the family when daughters and neices are not “settled” by a certain age, or when marriages and relationships fail. The failure of the previous generation to create a realistic picture of relationship models, has women “ponging themselves” when marriages do not work out, or they perpetuate the lies of perfection by keeping quiet and disintergating in spiritual spark internally.
Add to this the same theme which pervades throughout the Christian Mythos, and many other religions. A saviour in some form or fashion is coming to rescue you from your earthly horrors. Which is probably why there are so many women in Church.
I think somewhere along the line the stories, which were meant to give hope to those who were in less than perfect circumstances, that something or someone will come along and their circumstances would change. However, the end point has been missed. You are your own Prince Charming, you have to find a way to rise above yourself and remove yourself from the situation. You have to reach in and find your inner Saviour and yank HER out to save yourself from whatever is closing you off from reaching where you want to be.
This is why I like Magick, and esoteric themes. The Christos, the Divine Spark, the Prince Charming character if you will; resides in you. You have to sift through your own psyche and find what it is saying to you. Drag it out from its slumber; have it rise from where it is buried; and resurect yourself.
Your Prince lies within you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Coming out from my last post it got me thinking whay so many of my "ideas" remain just ideas and are never manifest. Especially when it comes to career. Thats because I know I lack the passion for it. When it comes to the Fire stage, I fizzle. Creating the idea for me is what I am passionate about, but most of them lack the kind of touchstone which would stoke the fire in me.
Even in my current job I feel the claws of boredom setting in, and not one project has given me excitiment as yet that I feel the urge to wake in the morning and get to work. I know I have to do something soon, because very soon the boredom will be like a crippling vise grip on my mind, and that cycle would begin again.
What am I passionate about? Art, magick, anything which forces me to create by hand. I wish I could learn woodworking, I wish I could learn a skill like plastic molding etc which can take a design from the paper onto a practical usable aspect. Even learning welding to learn to make my own things........
I need to sit with myself and have a stern talk. I am a creative soul, and I am happiest when I am formulating a painting, an image, a design for something I would love to have, or even writing a story, essay or blog. My mind feels like I am in touch with the Higher Creative and I feel enlivened by some power which courses through me. Can't explain the feeling further, but it is where I feel elated.
Having to do the job I do during the day, pulls me out of that zone. There is no connection to something greater when I do it, rather a feeling of floundering in a muddy pool.
This current contract must be the last of its kind that I take. I have three years to build an alternate career out of what I love. I must sit down and think this through.
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